Featured: Sega Confirms Crazy Taxi Driving Onto Android; Fare Included

The days of the Sega Dreamcast are not long forgotten. Nor is one of the best titles to hit the system, Crazy Taxi. Hours were spent, Monstrous controller in hand, driving around the city picking up fares and trying not to scare off the customers by driving as fast as possible to the drop point while keeping as many points as you could. The good news here is you can rekindle the old flame and recapture those fond magical memories of being the crazy cab driver. No you don’t have to go out and hunt for a Dreamcast system (but if you already still have one more power to you for holding onto that relic.), Sega confirmed that the Classic Dreamcast and arcade title will be making its way onto Android soon.

Now we know what “Soon” means over here on Android, or at least by now we should. The thing to remember here though is not when it’s coming but just the fact that it is. For most of us hardcore gamers, this news is good enough for now. I did say for now though. Because I know you just like me are all dying to know when it will show up. No release date or pricing has made itself known. As soon as we stumble upon this information you guys will have it first-hand. If you just can’t wait however and happen to have a crazy craving for some crazy cab drivin there are other means of playing this Sega gem. By that I mean emulators or even just the ever popular original Dreamcast version if you can get your hands on it.

In the meantime, I have included the gameplay video below from the iOS version trailer for everyone’s enjoyment. I remember those days just like it was yesterday.