Featured: Square Enix Brings Us A Little Chaos; Secretly Launches Chaos Rings On Android

RPG fans have one more reason to really start enjoying games on the go. Square Enix has just released Chaos Rings onto android rather quietly this morning. No surprise there really; as they did the exact same thing with the original Final Fantasy reboot. Yes I would say that Square Enix is on a role lately, with dropping major titles like the 3D re-done Final Fantasy 3, the original Final Fantasy, Demon’s Score coming soon, and now this. Don’t let the high Price of $12.99 deter you though, if you love RPG’s and are familiar with the quality that Square Enix is known for putting out, hold nothing back and check this game out.

Chaos Rings was originally released onto the iOS platform last year, and since its hailing onto the app store, it has gotten pretty solid reviews across the board from the gamers who play it. The story of Chaos Rings unfolds as you choose two out of 8 playable characters, one male character and one female character, and must fight as a pair in a deadly tournament battle held in the Ark Arena. Each set of characters you choose from will have you playing different paths and completely new storylines will unravel in front of you. The games completion can only be achieved fully if you work your way through the ark arena with all the characters, and only then will you know the clouded truth that surrounds the tournament and the Ark Arena itself. If you are one that likes… no.. NEEDS to 100% your games and amass everything inside of them that is attainable, then this should prove to give you some very awe-inspiring hours of classic Square Enix RPG action.

The game is robust with features, and you will find many elements in the game that will keep you glued to our phone or tablet. As with most or all Square Enix titles, high quality voice acting enriches the gameplay and immerses you into the storylines very fabric, keeping you engrossed. High resolution 3D visuals cater to the part of you that wants just a little bit of eye candy; because everyone knows us gamers love our eye candy. You will find hours upon hours of gameplay in this deeply inter connected storyline, which is a good thing if you get bored with games that are too short. (Short games are why I have always loved RPG titles.) The games audibly gripping sound really showcases how far android has come in the gaming space as well; Providing you with high quality audio throughout the game that sounds amazing.

If you have the scratch to unload, throw some at Square Enix and go buy this game. Once you have played through it a little, your feedback is of course always invited in the comments thread. Happy gaming guys!


Play Store: Chaos Rings