In the past 24 hours we’ve seen a lot of the LG Nexus. We’ve seen many pictures of the device posted on XDA and other sites. Tonight it looks like a user has posted a couple more pictures of the LG E960 a.k.a. the LG Nexus. Now that we can see the back of the device in some proper lighting, we can tell that it looks a lot like the LG Optimus G that will be available on Sprint soon. But as far as specs go for the LG Nexus, the poster had this:
- CPU: quad core ARMv7 1.5GHz
- RAM: 2 GB
- Memory: 8GB (no SD slot)
- GPU: Adreno 320
- Android version: JellyBeanMR1
- Kernel 3.4.0
- Screen: 768×1184 (320 dpi)
- Camera: 8 MP
I sure hope they aren’t selling just a 8GB version of this device, especially with no SD slot. That would really suck for storage, especially those that are like me and are constantly flashing new ROMs and kernels. There would be virtually no room for those on the device.
The poster on XDA also pointed out that the device seems to only support HSPA+, not LTE. Which matches up nicely with what we saw at the FCC not to long ago. So it looks like this one will be for customers on T-Mobile and AT&T, based on the bands tested in the FCC filing we saw.
Let’s hope we see more than one Nexus this fall, or at least a larger capacity than this 8GB one. I’d also like to see this LG Nexus hit Sprint and Verizon, preferably at the same time as it becomes available in the Play Store.
So who’s interested in this LG Nexus? Given the reputation LG has here in the States, I’m not sure it’s going to be hugely successful, but we’ll see soon enough.