Featured: Update my Moto! Google, and Motorola urged to "leak" internal ICS/Jelly Bean ROMs

We’ve been following this story for quite a while now. At first Motorola said that the Atrix 4G (AT&T) and the Photon 4G (Sprint) were going to get Ice Cream Sandwich, and now they aren’t. Sure they are older devices, but if you’re going to commit to making ICS or any other upgrade for that matter available to a device, you owe it to your users and customers to continue and push out the update once it’s stable. Right?

Now Motorola is still offering owners of the Atrix 4G and Photon 4G a $100 credit towards a new device, if you bought a 2011-device that will not get updated to Android 4.1 – Jelly Bean. But most of these customers are most likely still stuck in a contract and not looking to upgrade just yet.

Well XDA forums member Julian Fernandes has started a campaign to get Google and Motorola’s attention. Asking the company’s to release whatever work they’ve done so far to the public, so our very awesome developers can have a stab at making ICS and/or Jelly Bean work on these devices.

Here’s what we are talking about here, from updatemymoto.com:

In 2012 Motorola announced an upgrade to our devices, Atrix and Photon, to Ice Cream Sandwich. Now they have changed their stance, leaving us with an outdated version of Android.

With this campaign, we are asking for a leak of what was been done already or a compatible Tegra 2 kernel for Ice Cream Sandwich and Jelly Bean. With these files, we can develop a working version ourselves.

You can help us to achieve that. Share this campaign in your blog, social network, show it to your friends or file a BBB complaint. Let’s grab Motorola’s attention!

Do you think this will get Motorola and Google’s attention? Will either company “leak” ROMs for Ice Cream Sandwich or Jelly Bean? We can only hope. If you, or someone you know, owns an Atrix 4G or Photon 4G please check out this website and support the cause. We’d love to see everyone experience Android 4.0 or higher.

Source:UpdateMyMoto, XDA