CyanogenMod, the popular aftermarket Android firmware distribution, is now offering CyanogenMod 10 for download on their website. CyanogenMod 10 is based on Android 4.1 Jelly Bean, a jump up from CyanogenMod 7, which was built on the Android 2.3 Gingerbread system. A large number of devices still do not support 4.1, so CyanogenMod 7 will remain available for most users.
Nothing official has been posted on the Blog section of the official mod website, nor has a press release surfaced regarding the availability of the downoad. However, CM 10 is now mentioned on the About page of their website, giving a little insight into the new build. According to the About page, CM10 capable devices will be phased out from CM7. As usual, the variants of the software split into three categories: Stable, Release Candidate, and M-Series (or Nightlies). It’s recommended that most users stick strictly to the most recent stable build if they choose to run this firmware.
What features come with a CM firmware change?
- Lockscreen Gestures
- Phone Goggles
- OpenVPN
- Incognito Mode Browser
- DSP Equalizer
- A robust Theme Editor
- A slimmed down version of Android that can push your device to new speeds
Currently only a few devices can run the new CM10, but that is expected to change rapidly. Currently supported phones include: Sprint and Verizon Samsung Galaxy S3, LG Optimus Black, and Samsung Galaxy S2 Rocket. The release of CM10 comes in line with the release of Jelly Bean for major devices like Galaxy Nexus, Nexus 4, and Nexus 7.
Source: CyanogenMod