Right now we are all wishing we living in Kansas City since they are currently the only city to have Google Fiber. Which if you haven’t heard is Google’s attempt at being an Internet Service Provider. But instead of offering anywhere from 3mbps up to 60mbps speeds, Google is only offering 1 gigabyte per second both download and upload speeds. Now that’s some crazy speeds right there, in fact you could download a dvd in under a minute with those speeds. Google is also offering TV packages with Google Fiber. Which will directly have them competing with Dish Network, DirecTV, Comcast, Time Warner and others.
Thanks to Google Fiber we can see what TV of the future is going to look like right now. We have a video of a Google Fiber demo below that you can check out. BTIG analysts, Rich Greenfield and Walt Piecyk went to Kansas City for a hands-on demo with Google Fiber. The video isn’t the best, since it relies on still shots but it’ll give you an idea of what the future might hold for us.
This idea isn’t new by any stretch. We’ve seen this before from Google TV, Xbox, Nintendo’s new console and even Apple’s TV. But the interesting thing in this video is that one key Google product which would be great to have in a TV, YouTube, is not available yet. Come on Google get it together, YouTube is one of your main products it’s not something like Blogger where not many people use it. YouTube is supposed to show up for Google Fiber customers some time in 2013, but we don’t have a specific date. Hopefully our other favorites like Netflix, and Hulu+ will be available with Google Fiber.
Somehow the Google organizational structure puts YouTube and Google TV into completely different areas than Google Fiber. Which makes no sense to us, but must make some kind of sense to the folks working at Google.
Who want’s some Google Fiber? Actually that’s a dumb question, we all want it. So who’s ready to move to Kansas City with me? Let us know in the comments.