When it comes down to patent litigation there seems to be no bigger battle than the one between Apple and Android and thanks to Google’s acquisition of Motorola Mobility, that completed this year, now they have finally come into the fray. Apple and Motorola are currently locked in legal battle with each other over Standards Essential Patents. Apple have been arguing that Motorola are holding back SEP patents and that they are asking too much to license them to Apple.
It’s a case that raises some questions about how patents should be enforced and whether or not courts around the world should be able to dictate how much companies are allowed to charge for their patents. Google are looking to bring other Apple devices into the case – including the iPad Mini and the iPhone 5 – however, they’re wanting to take a look at the iOS 6 source code in order to assess whether or not there is likely infringement. Throughout the court case this summer between Apple and Samsung, Judge Koh became increasingly fed up with both parties, leading Samsung to get themselves in hot water on a number of occassions. Google are looking to prevent something like this and present as complete a case as they possibly can. They don’t have long either, Motorola Mobility only has until December 14th to bring in fresh accusations and we’re sure they will to bring in as many Apple products as possible.
Google have told a court in Miami that this wouldn’t be the first time that they had requested to take a look at the source code, in fact, they’ve asked on the following dates: May 30th, August 7th, October 25th and November 6th. Google’s motion says that Apple “has, at various times, promised to produce iOS source code by or “shortly after” September 21st, by November 9th, and by November 30th”, but two months have passed now since the release of iOS 6 “and almost four months after Apple released its most recent OS X software”, something Google also wants to take a look at.
Apple have, for many years now, held back information not only when it is requested but also in the developer space after all, it’s been so long now since Apple had stated that they would “open up” FaceTime and yet it’s still firmly under Apple’s control. We’re all curious to see what will come out of Apple’s unveiling of the source code and I wouldn’t be surprised if there were some telling signs that Apple didn’t really invent everything.