Green Throttle Will Turn Your Phone Into A Gaming Console

Phones continue to get more and more powerful and graphics are getting very close to console level quality. There’s a few problems though that stand in the way of playing such amazing games on your phone. For one, the screen. Unless you can figure out how to get a bluetooth controller to work on your phone and then hook it up via HDMI to your TV, you’re pretty limited.

Secondly, the device itself. For the best game play on higher end games, you need to have the latest phone or at least a more recent phone with a reasonable dual-core or better processor, and a good GPU. Unfortunately, that’s not always easy to come by for many with everything else that life throws at them.

Green Throttle looks to help further the idea of turning your phone into a gaming console. Currently in the developer stage and available for the Samsung Galaxy Nexus, Galaxy S III, HTC One X, and Galaxy Note, is their two “Atlas” controllers and Mobile HD TV Connector.

But wait. What about the games? Oh, right. They released a software developer kit that will allow app developers to map their games to their bluetooth controllers. Essentially, what that means is any Android game, that is if the developer puts in the effort, can work with these controllers.

Soon, instead of playing games on your phone, particularly very graphic intensive ones, you can play them directly on your TV via the connector. The concept isn’t anything new, but Green Throttle kind of throws out the middle man with a console such as OUYA, and makes it so anyone with a specific phone can play games from their phone, on their TV.

It’s a good idea, just how and if it’ll catch on is another story. Their 2 player bundle costs $89.95 and is said to ship December 12th. Here’s a video below where employees talk about the company and you also see their controllers and connector in action:
