HTC Building Official Facebook Phone; The HTC Opera UL [Rumor]

Who remember’s the HTC ChaCha? Of course you don’t, it didn’t sell well. It was available on AT&T only, ran Android and HTC’s Sense UI along with a dedicated Facebook button. Not to mention the full QWERTY keyboard, it looked a lot like a Blackberry device. Now we’ve heard rumors of another Facebook phone, even though Mark Zuckerberg has said that there’s no point to a Facebook phone.

Pocket Lint was told by their “reliable” source that the device is indeed the HTC Opera UL, and is an “OEM product” for the Social network. “It is the Facebook phone, made for Facebook.” Their source also confirmed that the device is delayed.

According to the Nenamark 2 benchmark tests shown above, it appears the Opera UL has a nice 1280x720p display and is running Android 4.1.1 – Jelly Bean. Along with a 1.4GHz processor from Qualcomm. But we have no idea on how many cores.

Source: Pocket Lint