Sharp Finds Customers for IGZO Display Technology; Devices to Come Q2 of 2013

Sharp have been making decent looking displays for mobile devices for a long time now and while they might be a big name here in the West, they’re a big deal in the East and they’ve been making quite the stir with their IGZO technology for displays that will not only deliver excellent color definition like all other Shard displays but can cut the power consumption by up to as much as 50%, making phones with bigger displays a lot better on the old battery.

The Japanese company are banking on the technology as displays are getting bigger and bigger, packing in more pixels and putting an ever increasing drain on our battery life. While displays are getting better and better, there’s no denying that battery technology has largely stood still, it’s easier to put bigger batteries in smaller spaces than it ever has been but they’re no more power efficient than they were a decade ago.

Sharp has said the following upon receiving orders for the new technology:

“A domestic company will probably offer products using IGZO display panels from the first quarter of the calendar year,” a senior Sharp executive said. “As for foreign brands, you will probably see such products in the second quarter.”

By “domestic company” we’re assuming they mean another manufacturer in the East however, it is said that devices will start to reach the West by the second quarter, so there’s hope for battery life still. There’s no telling which manufacturers will be using the technology but, we do already know that the Padfone 2 will be using IGZO with its LCD panels, it’s no wonder the battery life increased this time around. With the advent of new technology from Sharp, the battery problem mighgt get better and while it won’t be going away any time soon, it’s always good to see improvement.