Sprint Galaxy Nexus and Nexus S 4G Jelly Bean Factory Images Now Available

We’ve heard so much about how the CDMA Nexus devices are not “Nexus'” because the updates still have to go through carriers. Case in point, how long did it take Sprint and Verizon to push out Android 4.1.1 to their Galaxy Nexus, and Sprint’s Nexus S 4G? About 2-3 months. That’s just way to long. Now those of us with the Sprint Galaxy Nexus, we’ve never been able to just pull the stock image from the Google Developers site and go back to stock. We’ve had to use Odin (which I hate very very much!) to go back to stock. Now that is about to change.

When Android 4.1.2 came out last month, we noticed that the binaries for the Sprint Galaxy Nexus had appeared on the Google Developers site, but was archived. So it was apparent that Google and Sprint/Samsung were working on getting AOSP support for the Galaxy Nexus (toroplus). And today something magical appeared! The very first stock image for the Sprint Galaxy Nexus. It is still Android 4.1.1, since Sprint hasn’t pushed Android 4.1.2 out yet. But nonetheless it’s still a stock image.

Now all we need is Sprint to give us some Android 4.1.2! Where are all the Sprint Galaxy Nexus and Nexus S 4G users at?

Google Developers