The Nexus 4’s on again off again relationship with availability in the Google Play Store has switched back to “off again” in the UK and Germany. With the 8 GB version being sold out in less than a day, the 16 GB version is once again showing as “Sold Out” on Google’s digital storefront.
I’m sure by now you’ve all read the apology from Dan Cobley, the Managing Director of Google UK and Google Ireland, but to those left waiting in the lurch I’m betting those words don’t mean a damn thing to you. As of right now the current wait time for people who did manage get their order in is 5-6 weeks. That’s a crazy amount of time for a device that’s been “on sale” for just over a month.
There’s not much more to be said about how this entire Nexus 4 kerfuffle was handled. Did Google screw it up? Absolutely. Have they communicated what was going on to the customers? Nope. Not at all. Should they have taken pre orders? Probably, although the people who bought the Nexus 7 on pre order may disagree.
I was one of the lucky ones on the original launch day and got mine the following Tuesday, and even though it only took roughly twenty minutes, it wasn’t easy to get through the crashes. Even then it was still a waiting game because there was absolutely zero information sent to me about whether my order actually went through (because there were reports of cancelled orders), or when it would be sent out. Calling support got me no place and neither did e-mailing them.
I posted my story not to brag but to vent. Message boards and comment sections on blogs from here to Siberia are filled up with tales of who ordered what when and how long it took. It’s therapeutic to know that there are so many others in the same boat as you. So now I’m here to ask my fellow British and German Nexus fans how they did on this last round of purchases. Let us know how you made out or just blast away at the continued incompetence of the search giant’s online sales wing.