Instagram Reverts their Terms of Service after User Uproar Earlier this Week

Well not really surprising. But Instagram has reverted their Terms of Service after that huge uproar that happened on Monday and Tuesday this week. Instagram’s founder Kevin Systrom noted that they have reverted their advertising section of their Terms of Service to whats been in place since 2010 when the company first started, and before it was acquired by Facebook. Systrom also noted that they are looking for ways to advertise and monetize Instagram. But please note that the entire ToS has not been reverted, just the advertising part. So there are still changes to their Terms of Service, which will take effect starting January 19th, 2013.

Along with apologizing for the failure to clearly communicate the company’s intentions, its Founder also stated that any distribution of user photos has been and still is governed by their privacy policy. Which is separate from the Terms of Service. Of course we all know these changes came down from Facebook who acquired Instagram for $1 billion back in April. This is a typical move by Zuckerberg, and as Engadget calls it “the change-policy-face-backlash-then-apologize dance step” is all to familiar to those users still on Facebook.

So how many of you are going to try and watermark your images that you post on Instagram now? In fact, I saw a rather funny picture of a watermarked Instagram photo pop up on Google+ earlier this week. So I know it’s on some users’ minds, maybe not all. I’m also sure many of you deleted your Instagram profiles this week when these new Terms of Service was announced and showed up in the notifications section of your app. So how many of you are now going to head back to Instagram now that they have reversed these changes? Let us know in the comments below.

Source: Instagram