More Information on the HTC M7; Including some Rumored Specs

Earlier today, we got a report that HTC was working on a new device called the HTC M7. And that they were working with their suppliers to secure components needed to make 4 to 5 million of these phones. Now we starting to find more information about this device, which will probably be announced at Mobile World Congress in February.

It’s rumored that the HTC M7 will feature:

  • 5-inch HD display (most likely 1080p)
  • Qualcomm APQ8064 (a.k.a. Snapdragon S4 Pro) quad-core Processor
  • 13MP camera
  • wrapped in an aluminum unibody frame; which means non-removable battery most likely

There are still quite a few details missing. But where we are about 2 months away from Mobile World Congress, it’s still a bit early to know all the details. We still need to know what version of Android it’ll be running, how much RAM, how much storage, etc. But most likely it’ll feature either 32GB or 64GB of storage with no micro SD card slot. As that has been their trend through the second half of 2012.

Sources are also claiming that HTC wants to launch this device in Q1 2013. Which runs through til March 31st. And if this is being announced at Mobile World Congress, that gives HTC a little more than a month to get this thing launched. In Q2 we are expecting to see the Samsung Galaxy S4, which is going to do well anyways.

Remember these are all rumors. So take it with a grain of salt. With all the rumors we saw leading up to the Nexus 4 and Android 4.2, we should know not to take these as being 100% truthful.

So it’s looking like 2013 is going to be the year of 1080p displays. But will we see one smaller than 5 inches? That’s going to be the big question going into CES and Mobile World Congress next year. Who’s looking forward to these 1080p displays? How well do you think they’ll do on battery? Droid DNA owners are already saying that the battery isn’t as bad as we feared. Let us know what you think in the comments below.