Tearing Apart Android 4.2: Google+ Coffee Mug, JandyCane and More

Thanks to our good friends over at Android Police, we now know even more about Android 4.2. Ron, from Android Police, did what he normally does and ripped apart a few apps in Android 4.2. Now we aren’t going to cover them all, but we will cover the System UI, Google+, and Settings. Let’s get started in the System UI, I wonder what was found in there.

The System UI

For those that don’t know, the System UI consists of the navigation bar, power menu, status bar and the notification panel. So it’s a pretty big part of the OS. The System UI also has a bunch of stuff that you’ll probable never see like this icon below:

This icon has the file name “jandycane.png”. But no one has any idea as to what it is, or why it’s in the System UI .apk.

Now onto the quick settings, there are images and xml for a clock tile for the quick settings. It even has moving clock hands, now that sounds like it would look pretty awesome. So perhaps this will become available in a future update? Maybe Android 4.2.2? There’s also code found for double swiping down from the status bar to get to quick settings instead of the two finger swipe. Which is kind of hard to do with one hand.

Google+ App

Google+ is probably everyone’s most used app here at Android Headlines, I know it’s my most used app. But there are some new notification icons found in Android 4.2. Including a coffee mug as shown above. The Coffee mug is referenced in the code below:

<ImageView android:id=”@id/notification_count_overflow” android:background=”@drawable/badge_red” android:visibility=”gone” android:layout_width=”fill_parent” android:layout_height=”fill_parent” android:src=”@drawable/ic_notification_coffeemug” android:scaleType=”center” />

Its something to do with notification overflow. Now most people probably haven’t seen it, but I have. It appears that after 99 notifications unread nofitications, and you hit the 100th you get a coffee mug instead of the normal icon.


The file that controls most of the list popups in the Android OS is called Arrays.xml. It appears that the settings has an interesting set of options that probably aren’t accessible anywhere:

<string-array name=”user_content_ratings_entries”>
<item>Ascended being</item>

The other interesting but cool part in the settings. Is all the encryption settings strings are labeled “crypt_keeper”.

Final Thoughts

That’s not everything. But it’s a nice chunk to get you wondering. You can head over to Android Police to see the teardown of  the system UI, Calendar, Google+, Gallery/Camera, Google Earth, Maps, Live Wallpaper, Settings, Google Search, and Google Wallet. It’s quite a long post with a lot of interesting information.

Source: Android Police