Hot off the presses this morning, is a brand new video showcasing the Nexus 7 Pogo dock. This comes only a day after we reported on the Pogo connector for the Nexus 10. You should know that the two accessories are quite independent. However, both peripherals do include a magnetized pin connector to keep the device in contact with the proper charging and connection pins.
If you want a little more information about the Nexus 10 Pogo connector, and perhaps what a Nexus 7 connector would look like if it ever were to launch, check out our earlier report.
As for the Nexus 7 dock, we still don’t have that much information except that it looks pretty minimal (as you can see from the video). The Nexus 7 audio dock was first discovered on the Japanese ASUS site at the end of November. It was described on the product page as a landscape dock, equipped with a 3.5mm audio output and microUSB connector. Information was relatively scarce even then, but the page did list a rather vague “early December” release period.
It looks like that information about a December release was correct as this video shows a lucky fellah, named Mike Stringfellow, unboxing his Nexus 7 dock a tad early.
When prompted how he came into possession of the dock Mike’s response was the following:
“From Yodobashi Akihabara. I was in Tokyo for work and asked for the dock from the salesperson there. Launch date is tomorrow, but I managed to persuade the salesperson to sell me a unit. 3490Yen IIANM.”
To reiterate that statement just for the sake of clarity, he bought the dock at Yodobashi Camera in the Akihabara district, in Japan. The actual launch date is today (Dec. 14th), but he was able to convince the salesmen to let him buy the dock a day early.
Clearly, this is the same dock discovered on the Japanese ASUS site, which coincidentally is now listed as “sold out,” as opposed to the previous status of “coming soon”. So far, there is still no info or dedicated web page for the dock on the ASUS America website. That means we cannot confirm nor deny whether or not the dock will make it to the US.
Personally, I don’t see any logical reason why ASUS would choose to provide the dock only in Japan except for retail testing. There is unquestionably no doubt in my mind that the dock would move pretty well here in the States, especially considering everyone is still clamoring to get their hands on all of the Nexus devices, the Nexus 7 included.
It’s not implausible to think that, eventually a dock might even become available for the much larger, Samsung manufactured Nexus 10.
Only time will tell whether or not we see this convenient dock, or any other for that matter, here in the States. At least now we can all drool and cry over the demo videos that are soon to pop up. You can bet your ass that everyone and their mother, who actually gets their hands on one of these docks, is going to upload a video to Youtube showcasing their new toy. It’s times like these that we’re all reminded of the fact that the tech world is inhabited by so many gloaters.
Source: Android Central