Really high quality games are hard to find on android, at least in finding some that compare to console quality status. When it comes to the THD games however, I’ve found that a lot of these tend to be rather very enjoyable and very well done. This week I’d like to feature Demons’ Score THD from Square Enix. This is truly a game like no other. Rhythmic games are certainly not new, but this isn’t just any rhythmic game. It’s an action shooter with rhythmic roots, where you play as a young girl who is trying to find and save her father, all whilst having to dispose of Demons with your new-found powers. Tap to win, but keep the beat or you’ll be crushed into oblivion and eternal damnation.
If you fancy a good rhythm game then you should check out this title by Square Enix if you can let go of the cash and own a Tegra 3 device. $20 bucks may be a bit high for some when cruising for Android games but I assure this game is well worth the money I dropped for it. The game starts out by reading through the story, which is devised as a series of cut scenes throughout the game. Once the first cut scene ends your thrown right into training mode on how to play the game. I think Square has done a great job with attempting to get the player up to speed on how to use the controls and play the game. The training sequence is quick. Just enough to get you acquainted. Shortly after is another cut scene and then your off and running.
The game’s levels are divided up into three parts. Easy Mode, Normal Mode, and Hard Mode. Each mode unlocks certain demons that you can choose to pair with to give you certain attributes, consisting of a combination of defense and experience. Not all demons are playable in all modes, at least, I suspect not until you unlock everything in hard mode. Choosing to pair with a demon will boost your stats and give you a sexy new look. Each Demon will give your character a new costume and you will take over the voice of that demon in-game. Gotta love the attention to detail here as it really displays Square Enix has taken advantage of the Tegra 3 chip and unreal engine capabilities. Utilizing features like rim lighting to highlight character outlines in back-lit scenes and a depth of field aspect that is created by focusing the camera and blurring both the background and the foreground.
The game will let you start in easy mode, then you will have to play through it to unlock the other two. The game does cost $20 and a large amount of space on your Tegra 3 device but yields a great reward in play satisfaction and replay value. You must level up in order to sustain life in harder modes as the rhythms get even crazier. Practice makes perfect though. Micro transaction or “in app purchases” can also be made to help you along the way but it doesn’t seem so far to be needed to enjoy the game in full.
My conclusion is that Demons’ Score is a well-developed game that is a lot of fun to play and can help you hone your hand eye coordination. We all know this is important. So put down those books and play some more games. You’ll thank me for it. Well done graphics, and a story line with both depth and comedic value help engage you into the game. Two game modes: Story and free mode brings something for everyone to the table. Rhythmic based games are all but dead, and Square Enix has just proved it.