Are Bluetooth A2DP Streaming Fixes Coming in Android 4.2.2?

We’ve been hearing a lot about a new update that has surfaced on a number of Nexus 4s around the world, bringing the device version up to Android 4.2.2. Just what is included in the update is anybody’s guess but it’s more than likely going to a big-fix release and focus on nailing stability and squashing issues. It’s always good to see Google preparing these sort of fixes and we just wish that the update would hurry up on its way to devices.

Word first broke out about a possible update to the latest version of Android from Brazil, where LG have a factory and fresh units were rolling off the line with 4.2.2 on them. It seems that they’re might be some word on one of the fixes in this upcoming version of the OS. Users have been noting poor performance when streaming audio over Bluetooth, specifically using A2DP to do so. Audio would lag and cut out when streaming music and thus making it pretty unusable. However, this has now been confirmed as a fix in the “next release” of Android.


Hopefully, Google see this as a high-priority issue to get fixed as there are a lot of people who rely on Bluetooth pretty regularly, for instance for in-car audio and docking purposes. I know that I’d be pretty unhappy if this were happening to me as we have a number of Bluetooth docks in the house that we hook up our Android phones to get music through. Not only is audio a problem when we talk about Bluetooth but there’s no gaming through a controller when it comes to 4.2 and so we hope that Google will throw out a fix as well. Thankfully, this being a Nexus device, the update will roll out unhindered and get out their quickly, unless you’re still stock and on a Galaxy Nexus with Verizon, of course.

What’s your most annoying bug from 4.2? Are you not experiencing any bugs at all? We want to hear from you in the comments as there seemed to be some issues with Android 4.2 when it first launched, are they localized to devices outside of the Nexus 4?

[Via: Android Police]