By June Google Play Could Have Over a Million Apps

Android is rapidly taking over the world. Android already has the larger market share, more choices, and an overall better OS than any of their competitors. Right now Apple has the most apps in their app store. Which is okay, we don’t care, but how many of those are actually good apps? iOS still hasn’t broken 1 million apps, but with many developers jumping ship over to Android, it may take them longer than predicted in the past. But according to the graph below from The Sociable, by June 2013, Google Play should surpass 1 million apps. Now that’s shortly after Google I/O where we’ll probably hear exactly how many apps are in the Play Store.

In addition to when Google Play could surpass 1 million apps, The Sociable’s data is also showing that they will pass 1 million before Apple’s App Store will. Which is awesome for those that wan’t to brag to their iOS friends. But 1 million apps, how many are you actually going to use? For me, I usually don’t have more than 50 apps on my phone at a time. And that includes bloatware.

How many apps have you downloaded in your Android life-time? I’d say I’ve probably downloaded around 2,000-5,000, and I’ve been using Android for nearly four years now. So it doesn’t seem like a lot. But 1 million apps? That’s just insane, especially where we have all these apps that do the same thing more or less. For example, how many Twitter apps do you see in the Play Store? Now I understand that different people prefer different Twitter apps. But for example, Ubermedia has 2 versions of Echofon and Ubersocial. One that’s free and one that’s paid. It’s basically the same app, but the paid one doesn’t have apps. Couldn’t that have just been an in-app purchase?

So what are some of your favorite apps in Google Play? Let us know in the comments what some of your favorites are and which ones you’d recommend to everyone else.