It seems like a very strange time of year to be talking about anything else other than CES right now but, the Wireless Association are already laying out plans for their shows in 2014. For a long time now CTIA has been hosted in the Spring and MobileCon rounding out the year in the Fall. With CTIA being the show that follows after both CES and Mobile World Congress it’s a show that doesn’t really bring with it too many surprises, and is more for the U.S. side of things. Both CTIA and MobileCon are going to be held as they always have been throughout this year, with CTIA dated for May 21st through May 23rd and MobileCon will be hosted October 9th to October 11th.
The Wireless Association have announced today that the two shows will be merging into one “super mobile show” – their words, not ours – and will try its best to pack two shows worth of mobile fun into just one three day sitting. I’m not really sure if this is a good idea or not – having never gone to either of them – but, it always seems that MobileCon doesn’t really bring much to it in the fall. Interestingly enough, the new mega-event will be held in September, with the first merged show taking place during September 9th through September 11th. this new event will simply be called, CTIA.
Having the event at the beginning of the Fall is an interesting time of year as it should help manufacturers and carriers roll out devices from CES and MWC in time to show off something new. We all know that the carriers like to have something fresh on their shelves for the start of the holiday buying season and getting the word nice and early might help with that. With manufacturers like HTC looking to refresh product lines around fall time, having the one event to prepare for might take some of the pressure off.
With CES literally just around the proverbial corner and MWC not too far away in February, 2013 looks set to be an action packed year for mobile and we’re hoping for a big showing for Android, will we get it? What do you think?
[Source: Engadget]