If you’re even the tiniest bit a fan of Motocross then you’ll have heard of the Crusty Demons brand and all that they’ve done for big names of the sport. For over 16 years they’ve been bringing the best and latest news in the Motocross world. They’ve been selling quality merch for a long time as well and now, you can get access to all of this and more using the Crusty Demons Android app.
Description: The Crusty Demons app is your one-way ticket to getting all of the Motocross information, swag, music and videos. The Crusty Demons Android app can provide you with the following:
- FREE Crusty Movies
- $10 in Merch FREE
- FREE Crusty Music
- Giveaways
- Model Search
- Free copy of “Crusty Demons of Dirt” the video that started it all off!
Take a look at the video below to see what the Crusty Demons are all about:
How it Works: To start getting all you can from the app, you’ll have to head over to the Play Store and install the app. After that, you can load up the app to start exploring what’s on offer!
Music starts playing right away and you can skip through a variety of different tracks as you navigate through the app. As you can see on the bottom menu, there are numerous different parts to the app, you can take a look at movies for instance:
Movies are one of the bigger parts of the app and it’s perhaps a little disappointing to see them implemented like this. One video might be on YouTube and then the other on Vimeo. However, it is good that they are all in once place for you to check them all out.
As well as this there;s the store, in which you can find merchandise and clothing to buy:
You can also get deals on the Crusty Demons magazine through Zinio, using the app.
Perhaps the best part of the app is the ability to take a look at the riders of Crusty Demons:
When you click on a rider, you can find out more information on them, which is great if you’re really into your Motocross:
Opinion: For those of you that are big fans of Motocross you’ll be familiar with the Crusty Demons branding and this is the best way to get hold of all the Crusty content you want. With free music and free movies there’s a lot on offer for Motocross fans. I’m not a huge fan of Motocross but if I were a bigger fan I’d be using this all the time. With movies and music for free there’s a lot to enjoy.
- Speed (4/5) – The app loaded quickly and music and movies are smooth.
- Features (3/5) – While there be a lot of content from Crusty Demons it seems cobbled together from mobile sites and different video sites.
- Theme (4/5) – It’s a striking application and it definitely resonates with Motocross fans.
- Overall (4/5) – Content wise Crusty Demons is a good app but it’s all sort of thrown together from different services. For fans of the sport and of Crusty Demons it’s a good app.
Conclusion: Fans of Motocross will be happy to use the app and perhaps discover something new about the sport, a new rider for instance or some more cool clothing. Crusty Demons have been bringing us great coverage of the sport for well over a decade and with this app you can get access to a whole lot of Crusty Demons content wherever and whenever you want. Fans of Motocross will really enjoy this app and even if you have just a passing interest in the app it’s well worth a look.