Sponsored App Review: Legal Forms

From time-to-time we all need to get some legal advice and there are so many ways to get it, after all America is known for lawsuits. All the advice we could ever need or want is out there, whether it’s on the internet or from a local firm, and it’s great that it is but, it’s always pretty costly. Especially if you only need to do something like file a form or declare something. No matter what it is, it always comes with a big bill. With Legal Forms for Android though, it needn’t be like this. Read on to see how Legal Forms can help you save money.

Description: Legal Forms is a low-cost Android app that can help you get the legal advice you need without the costs. The app focuses on providing you the tools you need to get whatever it is you need done, without having to rely on pricey advice. Legal Forms comes with forms for all sorts such as Power of Attorney, to Separation Agreements and Wills, and even a simple Bill of Sale for purchasing or selling a car as well as forms for Bankruptcy if you’re facing tough times. The economy is a former shell of itself and we’re all feeling it, why not try out the ad-free Legal Forms app to save some money? Read on to find out more.

How it Works: To get started saving money with Legal Forms, you’ll have to go ahead and download the app from the Play Store, then you’re free to access all the forms available.

What’s really great is that you only have to pay one price and there are no ads, making it quick, easy and painless to get access to all the forms. Legal Forms has forms laid out into different sections:

You can even see what the most popular forms are:Perhaps the most useful feature, is the ability to search with keywords, perfect if you know the sort of legal forms you need to file. For instance just type a keyword like “tenant”:

And forms that match the keyword and subject will be ready and waiting for you to take a look at:

At the bottom of any form you’ll see options to download the form straight to your device, or you can print a form:

Printing is done directly from the device using Google’s cloud print, this will require you to sign in with your Google Account:

I don’t have a printer connected to cloud print but, it’s a good example of what you can do if you don’t have one connected either. As you can see, you can easily save it as a PDF to your Drive, and then access it on a machine you know has a printer connected. That’s as simple as it is to use Legal Forms, the real selling point of the app is the access you get to the plethora of different forms available and it’s encouraging to see how flexible the app is.

Opinion: Now, I’m not one to get into this sort of legal stuff but, if I were I’d definitely try and go it alone using some common sense, lots of research and an app like Legal Forms. To be clear, the app is not a one-stop shop for all your legal needs but for someone that has even a small inkling of what they need to do or if they’ve been through the runner before, this is a great piece of software to have installed. It’s inexpensive as well, at only $1.7.9 with no ads, you can’t complain at the price, as you can use the app as many times as you need, even if you only use it once you’ll be saving money.


  • Speed (5/5) – There were no slowdowns while using the app and everything loads quickly.
  • Features (4/5) – Despite the fact that Legal Forms uses Google Docs to host and display content, there’s a lot on offer and it’s wasy to use it how you need to.
  • Theme (4/5) – Overall, the app is a lot of Mobile GDocs but, there is some visual flare to the app and it’s easy to make out text in menus etc.
  • Overall (4/5) – For what you get in Legal Forms, it’s well worth the price and you’ll find yourself using it time and time again.


  • Great selection of legal forms to help with whatever you need to get done.
  • Ability to save to Google Drive as a PDF will help everyone.
  • Very easy to use.
  • Keyword search couldn’t make things simpler.


  • It’s a little difficult to tell where the downloaded file actually went.

Conclusion: If you’re somebody that has a few businesses here and there or you have a number of properties you rent, it’s good to get everything in order and keep things straight. Paying someone to help you do it all is costly though, and unless you’re doing something extreme you can often get by with research and the right tools. Legal Forms is an inexpensive way of being able to keep things in check or file for a number of different things using the right and proper forms. It’s worth installing just in case, and at just $1.79 how can you say no?