Samsung Predicting they will Ship 510 Million Handsets in 2013

Now isn’t that a pretty bold claim? Well maybe not really. Since Samsung is already selling so many handsets, don’t forget that they do sell more than just Android. They also make and sell Windows Phone 8 devices and a new Tizen OS device as well. Then there are the basic or feature phones as well that Samsung is still manufacturing. Of the 510 million they expect to ship this year, 390 million of them will be smartphones. Now this is a 20% increase over the number of handsets the Korean manufacturer shipped in 2012, which was 420 million.

With 29% of the global market share, Samsung is the number one manufacturer in the world right now. Even ahead of Apple. And with the expected refreshes of the Galaxy S3 and Galaxy Note 2 coming in the middle of 2013, we’d expect Samsung to probably sell more than 510 million. Especially since the Galaxy S3 is still flying off the shelves 6 months after it’s launch.

According to Kim Hyun-joon, executive, Samsung’s telecommunications division:

“There are some possibilities that smartphone demand will slow in general. But we are seeing new demand for devices using Long Term Evolution (LTE)”

It’s also important to note that Samsung’s very successful 2012 ended Nokia’s 14-year reign as the top manufacturer. With Nokia pretty much dying a slow and painful death in the market share race, we needed someone to take over that was not Apple.

Here’s what a Samsung Spokesperson said:

“Samsung’s proven ability to quickly produce and replace a wide range of handsets aimed at several different markets contrasts with Nokia’s struggles and Apple’s difficulties that are mainly related to parts sourcing problems.”-Hwang Min-seong, analyst Samsung Securities.

“By offering better pricing to consumers in developing nations, we will find new growth. This will also enable consumers in developed nations like North America and Europe to buy our LTE devices at more affordable prices.”

Along with Samsung’s budget and low-end devices, they should have a pretty successful 2013. But we’ll have to wait and see what they announce this year. Who is currently sporting a Samsung device? Let us know which one in the comments below.
