Well it’s about time. Although I can’t really say I blame Samsung for these different names, the blame is more on the carriers. If you don’t know what I mean, let’s list off some of the Galaxy S variants for the US:
- Vibrant
- Fascinate
- Captivate
- Epic 4G
- Blaze 4G
And these are just a few, of course the Galaxy S2 followed that track. Sprint’s names were the most confusing. You had the Epic 4G and then the Epic Touch 4G. It was confusing because both devices were touch screen. But Samsung isn’t alone with these names. What about the HTC EVO 4G, and HTC EVO 4G LTE? Or the HTC Droid Incredible 4G LTE? The name of a device does not need to be that long, and shouldn’t be.
As you know CES is going on this week in Las Vegas, and the guys from Gotta Be Mobile had a chance to speak with Samsung Mobile’s Directory of Product Marketing, Ryan Biden, who confirmed that his team is working on more consumer friendly names for the phones and tablets. So hopefully we don’t see any more of these names that are a sentence long.
Now Samsung’s next flagship should be the Galaxy S4, unless they decide to reinvent themselves and launch a new flagship device. But I wouldn’t expect Samsung to start with their new names with the Galaxy S4. Although, with the Galaxy S3 they kinda started it by having the exact same device on every carrier. None of this Skyrocket, Epic 4G, Blaze 4G, Fascinate, etc.
What about the Samsung Galaxy Tab 2 10.1? What kind of name is that? I think their tablet names are the most confusing, and I’m really hoping that they do something to fix that very soon. If someone walks into Best Buy and asks for the Galaxy Tab, they’ll be shown about 10 different tablets. It should be easier than that for the average consumer, and Samsung is looking to change that. So kudos to Samsung.
Which one of Samsung’s device names are the most confusing to you? For me it’s the Galaxy Tab 2 10.1, especially since it looks a lot like the Galaxy Note 10.1. But let us know in the comments below.