2013 Financial Apps for Android

Everybody wants to keep better track of their finances. They want to know what’s going on with their money and their investments no matter where they are or what they’re doing. Wanting a good app to help you do this is completely normal…and why there are so many different apps out there vying for your attention and your money. So how do you know which one is best? You read this article, of course!

Pageonce Pro

Pageonce Pro is an Android App that helps you track every penny you make, invest and earn. It is particularly helpful for people who are interested in or who do a lot of online stock trades. You sync up your accounts with the app and then check it however often you want. You can also set up the app to pay your bills for you. That means that you don’t have to worry about finding a computer when you’re shopping and suddenly remember that your cable bill is due. It will also track your data usage so you don’t have to worry about going over.


You probably already know about Mint. It’s the kind of the personal finance and budgeting world. The online app helps you manage your money to the penny and now they’ve released an app for Android phones. One of the best things about Mint and this app is that it will help you set up an automatic savings program in which a deposit gets transferred from your checking to your savings account regularly. This helps you ensure the highest savings account interest amounts possible.


Financial analysts trust Bloomberg more than any other financial android app on the market. This app helps you track investment news, your budgets, and tips for future investments that you want to make (or trade or even sell). One of the nicest things about this app is that it is free to download. When you pay attention to the news on this app you can be sure that you’ll be making informed and effective investment decisions.

There are all sorts of financial apps out there that you can choose from. Some manage only bank accounts. Others help you manage and maintain a budget. Others track investments. Some do all of the above. The one you choose is going to depend upon what you actually want to accomplish with your app. If you want something that will help you manage every cent you have to your name, use the choices in this article.