How many of you out there use Falcon Pro for Twitter? Probably quite a few of you. It’s a very popular app, and some even call it the best Twitter app for Android. But that’s not keeping Twitter from enforcing their new API rules. Twitter has a new API, and one of the rules is that each app has 100,000 tokens. One token is used for each user. Once that 100,000 user limit is reached, no one else can connect to the app or use it. Which really sucks. But there is a temporary solution.
For those of you not using Falcon Pro, please login to your Twitter account at and go to the apps section under settings and select “revoke access” for Falcon Pro and any other apps you aren’t using anymore. That will free up your token so someone else can use it. Yeah its not the best way to go about it, but it’s better than nothing.
These new API rules have become a huge hassle for developers. In factit cost Chris Lacy to stop developing Tweet Lanes quite some time ago. This new 100k token rule is really going to discourage developers from developing for Twitter. But what Twitter has failed to realize is that apps is what made Twitter what it is today. Without all these awesome apps, they wouldn’t be as popular as they actually are. Here’s what Falcon Pro’s developer Joaquim Verg¨s had to say about this fiasco:
He’s not going down without swinging either. Joaquim has created a petition to get Twitter to lift this rule or in the least bit raise the token limit. He also told us that there are only 40,000 active installs of Falcon Pro. Meaning around 60,000 users pirated the app. Which is pretty unfortunate. It’s kinda sad that people would pirate a developers hard work when he’s only asking for $2. But hey you can sign the petition, and hopefully Twitter will raise the token limit.
How many of you use Falcon Pro as your main Twitter app? Let us know in the comments below.
Source: Android Spin