Our smartphones and tablets are a great tool to play high-quality games and watch YouTube videos and everything else we do but, we often forget the actual uses that they can fulfill. If you’ve got kids then you’ll know how easy they’re finding it to use our smartphones and tablets. Finding the right apps however, can be difficult, especially if you want their use with technology to garner some good in their education. Kids Number World in an app that aims to help you teach children numbers through your smartphone or tablet.
Description: Kids Number World is a fun and educational app for little ones that will help them their line to count to 10. There are a number of different teaching methods included in the app and even interactive games to help them get to grips with their numbers. Through the use of animals and drag and drop games it’s both interactive and easy for little ones to follow. Read on to find out how you can help teach your little ones numbers 1 – 10.
How it Works: To get started with the app, you’ll have to head on over to the Play Store to get it installed. A short download later and you can launch the app and you’ll see the main menu:
There are a few options to the game and we’re going to start with numbers. Numbers is the part of the app that outlines numbers through pictures, it’ll show you 2 animals for the number 2 and as with everything, interaction is encouraged, when a child touches the number, animations will appear on the screen:
Moving on to other parts of the game, there is the excellent “Help the Bug”, which is a game that has Children dragging numbers and match them up. It starts off easy, with the numbers in the right order, 1 – 10.
It gets more difficult as the child keeps counting to 10, mixing the numerals up to test not only sequencing but recognition of the numerals themselves:
There’s also the picture match game, which gets kids to match the numbers to how many items there are, based around fruit:
To round out the features of the app there is also flash cards which can be used to test children and refresh their memories:
Opinion: I’m a little young for kids – or at least I feel like I am – so, I didn’t know how to approach the app at first but, my girlfriend’s little sister, in pre-school, found the app fun and even though she’s good with numbers anyway, it was good to promote her skills. Through the drag and drop game that teaches them not only just the sequencing of numbers but also the numerals themselves.
- Speed (4/5) – There were no issues through my use and Kids Number World is perfectly snappy.
- Features (4/5) – For an app that helps Children learn numbers, there is a lot on offer. It might be simple but, it does its job very well.
- Theme (4/5) – Animals and insects are what Children are used to in school, to see them here is great.
- Overall (4/5) – I think Kids Number World does what it sets out to do very well and it’s not expensive either, the flash cards are great for quick reference as well.
- Engaging animal designs will grab Children’s attention.
- Drag and drop game is easy but gets the message across.
- Flash cards are great for quick reference.
- Audio repetition of numbers helps to teach Children
- Sharper graphics on a tablet would be nice.
- Option to learn up to 20 and more would be good.
Conclusion: If you’ve got kids then you already know how easy they find using technology and while the TV is a powerful tool, nobody wants to sit their child in front of the tube for too long. With Kids Number World there is no need to do that and you can interact with your children as they go through the app and learn their numbers 1 – 10. Of particular interest is the “Help the Bug” game that places numbers out of sequence, which familiarizes kids with the numerals themselves. It’s well worth trying out if you have kids and could become a tool for the classroom as well! Check out the link below to find Kids Number World in the Play Store.