Introducing Material; Flipboard Competitor That Maps your Social DNA

Okay, now this new app is something pretty interesting. This app, Material, is developed by Inq Mobile, which is located in the UK. This app will deliver a personalized collection of news, stories, and videos straight to your Android phone. All you have to do to get started is enter your Twitter and Facebook credentials into the app, then it searches for current things you’ll love from sources you know and some new ones you’ll be discovering. The more you use the app, the more Material finds out what you like and don’t like and can tailor what content it shows you.

Here’s what CEO and Co-Founder of Inq Mobile, Ken Johnstone had to say:

“We have used our combined Android and social network knowledge to create MATERIAL which analyzes individual tastes and interests to give each person a unique experience mapped to their social DNA,”

“MATERIAL pores over millions of pieces of content to deliver the perfect combination that you will find entertaining, interesting and informative.”

Some other features of Material include that it is unique to you, what you like and who you follow. It searches millions of sites throughout the day to bring you the stories that are right for you. It’s simple to set up, Material adapts to you. Similar to Zite, which has been on the Play Store for quite some time. This isn’t just content from the usual sources, Material brings you content from sites you never knew existed.


Material is a free app and available through Google Play. A tablet version will be coming soon. So it’s great to see that Inq Mobile hasn’t forgotten the Tablet owners. We’d love to see a tablet version of this app. In addition there will also be an iOS and desktop version coming soon.



You’ve gotta admit this is a pretty cool app. We’re interested to hear what you think about this app, let us know in the comments if you’re going to be willing to try it out or not.