President Obama Doing a Google+ Hangout; Send In Your Questions Now

Judging by everything I’ve seen on social media lately, a lot of you have questions for President Barack Obama. President Obama has been one of the most social active presidents in history. He’s held a Hangout in the past on Google+, done some stuff on Twitter and Reddit as well. Which is great to see him doing these types of things. Now you can send in your questions to President Obama via the White House’ YouTube page which he will be answering questions in a live hangout tomorrow afternoon. It all starts at 1:50pm PT (4:50pm EST).

To send in your question to the President and POTUS, you can head over to their YouTube channel now and click on “Ask Obama” and send in your question. The President will be answering the questions with the most votes, live from the West Wing of the White House in Washington, DC. Currently the top questions are about:

  • NASA Spending
  • Eliminating the Penny
  • Education

So nothing out of the ordinary. That seems to always be the big topics in government lately. But you can still feel free to submit your own questions, who knows they could get answered during the hangout. The President and Vice President are huge fans of Google+ hangouts, especially after holding a couple last year to talk about gun control among other things.

It’s actually really cool to see Google+ getting used for things like this. Earlier today, there was a Google+ hangout with Conan O’Brian, Vince Vaughn and Owen Wilson where Owen and Vince talked about their new movie, The Internship. They took questions from both people in the hangout as well as from Twitter. Which was really awesome to see. Hopefully this will help bring more awareness to how great Google+ is and get more people on Google’s social network.

Have you submitted your questions? Let us know in the comments below.