Project Glass is Looking For Explorers – You Could Win Glass Without Being a Developer

Are you excited to see how Google’s Project Glass is going to change your life? Yeah, you there with the calculator on your wrist! You want Glass? Well, if you were to tell Google what you would do with it when you have it, you could win the chance to get Project Glass before anyone else. And you don’t even have to be a developer but, if you’ve got a calculator on your wrist, there’s a good chance that you are, right?

Google are running a competition that will hopefully deliver the device to prospective users that aren’t developers. All you have to do is tell Google just what you’d do with it, and it had better be good, they’re not just going to give them away, are they? You’ll have 50 words to do it in, no more, and you can do it over Twitter or Google+ – surprise! – and all you have to do is use the hashtag “#ifihadglass“. So, there you have it, that’s how you could get your hands on Project Glass. Now, would you like to see more of the cool stuff? I thought so.

Google have released a video that details some more of the finer things Project Glass should be able to help you with in life. The video – embedded below for your convenience – goes throught the sort of uses people might have for Glass and how you can interact with it. As we all thought, it’s going to be heavy on voice control, with “OK, Glass” being the trigger to input commands, like “Google Jellyfish”. The inclusion of jellyfish is pretty interesting as we saw the critters in a rumored advert for a Chromebook not too long back.

Overall, Project Glass looks to take some design cues from Android with a Roboto-styled font and a minimal approach to UI that hopefully shouldn’t get in your way too much, if at all. There are a lot of aspects of Project Glass that have me pretty excited and for me, it’s the idea of taking images almost just as you see them. I love my dSLR but always preferred a rangefinder. This blows both of them out of the water. Imagine being able to take a photo of what you’re looking at, right there and then. I know I’d be taking a lot more photos with the ability to do that.

What’s your favorite feature of Project Glass? Let us know in the comments and don’t forget to tell Google what you would do if you had Glass!
