Android 4.2.2 Image Posted for the Verizon Galaxy Nexus; Android 4.2.1 for the Sprint Galaxy Nexus

It appears that Google and Verizon are at least working together a little bit with the Galaxy Nexus. Not to long ago Verizon finally pushed out the Android 4.2 update to their Galaxy Nexus, and now the image has appeared on the Google Nexus Factory image website. It is build JDQ39 and the exact same build that was sent out over OTA not to long ago.

Google also uploaded the factory image for the Sprint Galaxy Nexus, Toroplus, which is actually Android 4.2.1. Since Sprint sent out their update earlier than Verizon, the Sprint version is running Android 4.2.1  instead of 4.2.2. And it’s build GA02. We all already know what features are new in Android 4.2, so there’s nothing really different with these images, except you now have a way to recover your CDMA Galaxy Nexus and get stock Android and the latest version of Android on your Galaxy Nexus.

If you know how to use these images to factory restore your device, then by all means go ahead. If not, you can always use one of the toolkits available. My personal favorite is mskip’s or Wugfresh. They work for all current Nexus devices that can run Android 4.2. And are pretty simple to use, just have to follow the directions, although that can be hard for some people.

How many of you have been waiting on these images to restore your device? I just restored my Nexus 4 using the Android 4.2.2 image last night. So it is pretty easy to do, and I recommend doing it. Especially if you’re having issues with your device. Let us know in the comments down below.

Source: Factory Nexus Images: Verizon Galaxy Nexus (mysid)Sprint Galaxy Nexus (mysidspr)