We all know how difficult it is to develop ROMs for the HTC Droid DNA. In fact there are only a handful of ROMs available for the device. But we’ve found a couple that are pretty nice. This week the spotlight is on the UltimateKangBang DNA. Which is a Sense-based ROM with a bunch of nice options, features and also uses Aroma.
- Based on stock VZW 1.15.605.4 Release Software
- Android 4.1.1 / Sense 4+
- busybox 1.20
- rooted with superuser
- enabled custom recent apps actions in “display, gestures, buttons”
- advanced power menu (reboot to recovery, hboot)
- disabled package signature checking in services
- rosie on screen menu added
- removed ics/jb 3 dot legacy menu, and changed dimensions so its not blank space in apps
- unhid several apps from rosie app drawer
- removed persistent wifi notification in pulldown
- volume keys can be used to zoom in/out in camera
- fixed gallery dropbox force close
- settings -> custom background in Messaging app *should* be fixed
- long press back to kill app functionality
- lyapota’s musicbox v4
- wifi scan interval set to 150 seconds from 15
- added htc flashlight app
- fastboot off by default
- deleted useless “how to” videos from /system/media (47 mb)
- default allow of non market app install
- updated market apps
- added titanium backup, genie widget, and google voice
- people and app (quicklaunch) widget from j butterfly
- friendstream widget (wip)
- j butterfly wallpapers added to htc wallpaper picker
- location icon removed from status bar
- aroma options:
- choose optional landscape enabled rosie
- 5×6 portrait and 8×4 landscape app drawer Rosie
- remove apps (debloat)
- option to dense (will install nova launcher)
- choose statusbar layout w/o clock
- choose statusbar layout w/ centered clock
- wipe option (will NOT delete your internal data)
- custom gps locations
- install adblock hosts file
- remove bootsound (will only work on data wipe)
- choose verizon or stock htc boot ani
- mod for mms screen on (when receiving new message screen will turn on)
- accurate battery mod (100 images with percentages in them)
- volume wake (will work with deep sleep)
- remove usb debugging icon from status bar
- optional jellybean blue battery icons
- chooose between sense4+ recent apps or aosp multitasking
- screen wake on sms/mms
- desense options for sense or aosp apps
How to Install
1) Be unlocked through jcase’s method and HTC Dev Unlock
2) Have CWR installed (i had numerous issues with twrp, and cannot recomend it, or support installs of it currently)
3) backup in cwr
4) select UKB_DNA_1.2.0.zip to install
5) follow aroma install process (highly recommend wiping data in aroma on the 1st install)
6) reboot to hboot and fastboot the boot.img below (or init.d scripts wont work)
fastboot flash boot boot.img
7) reboot from aroma
Supported Devices
You can check out the thread over on XDA to find all the information about this ROM, along with more screenshots. What is your favorite ROM? Or what ROM are you currently running? Let us know in the comments down below.