Round Up: Samsung Galaxy S4 Hands On

While we weren’t at the event this evening, many other blogs were and they were able to get some hands on time. So we’ve gathered up a lot of their thoughts and videos to share with you in one post. So without any further ado, here’s what other journalists are saying about the Galaxy S4.

Android Central

“It’s too early to call the Galaxy S4 an unmitigated success. But between what we’ve seen today and the Samsung marketing blitz we all know is coming, we can say this in full confidence: It’s going to sell millions, and rightfully so. It’s easily the best all-around smartphone money can buy.”

GSM Arena

The Samsung Galaxy S 4 may look pretty similar to its predecessor on the outside, but the truth is it’s a huge upgrade.


“…bells and whistles aside, what will sell the Samsung Galaxy S4 more than any other aspect – more even than sheer brand loyalty – is the display. It is as vibrant as ever before seen on a Super AMOLED display, but with full HD (1920 x 1080) crispness to boot.

Slash Gear

If HTC has focused its software efforts on BlinkFeed and Zoe, Samsung has cast its net wide, basically throwing everything at the wall in the expectation that at least something will stick for most users.


“Samsung’s consumer focused strategy is one that has done very well and I see the Galaxy S 4 continuing that. The real question is how well all of these features will perform/work in final software. Conceptually the Galaxy S 4’s software suite makes a lot of sense, the proof as always will be in the execution and how long it takes Samsung to get to the appropriate level of polish.”

The Verge

At first blush, the Galaxy S4 doesn’t feel revolutionary, but given the continued success of its predecessor maybe a revolution wasn’t called for. It’s a faster phone with a better screen, a better camera, and some cool new software features, and for the company that’s nearly synonymous with the word “Android,” that may be enough to ensure another huge success.


“Although the handset’s hardware isn’t exceptionally beautiful and software isn’t particularly inspiring, it has every essential feature and then some. Right now, the best way I can describe it is as the Gap clothing of smartphones. While you may not use or even like every item on display, it’s long on basics, represents a certain high standard, and you’ll be able to get it anywhere.”

So that’s what our fellow journalists thought of the Galaxy S4. What do you think about it? Obviously you haven’t been able to check it out in person yet, but is this going to be your next phone?