Droid Daily 4/29/13: MLB on YouTube, Poweramp, Everynote Food, and More

MLB Starts Streaming Games on YouTube

Today, YouTube announced on Google+ that they will begin streaming MLB games for free. But there is a catch. You can only watch two games per day and you have to be outside the US, Canada, South Korea, Taiwan, or Japan. As it will not be available in those countries.

Player FM Launches on Android

There is yet another podcast app available on Android. This one is called Player FM and is now available in the Play Store. This particular app seems to be focusing on podcast discovery, which can’t be a bad thing right?

Google Now Lands on iOS

Today, Google finally released Google Now for our iOS friends (or are they enemies?). As many other Android blogs pointed out, its still better on Android. Which is true, the Android version has more functionality and is also easier to get too.

Nandroid Manager Launches on Android

Ever wanted to have full control of your nandroid backups? Well this new app, Nandroid Manager does just that, and it’s now available in the Play Store for free.

Evernote Food gets Updated

Today, Evernote Food got updated to v2.0. Here’s the full changelog from the Google Play Store:

What’s in this version:

Explore Recipes:
– Explore thousands of recipes from your favorite sites
– Recipes from international partners: Japan (Rakuten, EC Biglobe, Excite, Gurunavi), China (Douguo), Taiwan (iCook), and Korea (Rimi)
My Cookbook:
– Browse recipes you’ve clipped in Evernote Food and collected in your Evernote account
– Manually add recipes from Evernote to Evernote Food’s My Cookbook section using a specified notebook or tag
– Discover, book and save restaurants you want to try

Poweramp Gets updated

Today, Poweramp also got an update. Here’s what’s new according to the changelog in the Play Store.

What’s in this version:

– each widget type now have selectable predefined styles and can be further customized/saved/exported/imported/shared
– widgets can be re-configured by pressing top-right corner (2.2+)
– 4×4 and 2×2 are now resizable on phones, all widgets – on tablets (3.1+)
– Disable Route Output Button option
– Album Art/Use 24-bit RGB option
– Look and Feel/General/Notification Album Art option for old Androids
– Arabic (BLueBLaze, mohjif)/Vietnamese (alienyd, robot_boy_tn, thanhtai2009)
– few issues fixed