Google I/O 2013 Preview: What's New With Google Glass?

Last year at Google I/O, Google demoed Project Glass which was probably the best looking demo I’ve seen in a long time. Which you can check out that demo down below.

Google Glass or Project Glass, is one of Google’s latest products. It’s actually a pretty cool device. Project Glass is a wearable computer with a head-mounted display, which is the technical definition. Recently, Project Glass had a competition using the #IfIHadGlass hashtag where you could enter to win a chance to pay $1500 for your pair and make a trip to San Francisco or New York City to pick them up. Some competition right? We’re also pretty sure that Google will be doing another Project Glass demo at Google I/O next month, and they might be giving some away to developers.

So now what’s new with Google Glass? Well at SXSW earlier this year, they demoed some new API’s. You can check out the full presentation down below. Google Glass show’s off it’s new UI, Skitch, Evernote and Gmail. Which all looks pretty cool. They also showed off weather, New York Times app, Path and Google cards on Glass. I’d expect all of Google’s apps for Project Glass to use Google Now’s card UI. We’ve seen it coming to many other Google apps and apps produced by third-parties and it looks great.

Project Glass is supposedly going to be available to the public this fall, so I’d expect an almost finished product shown off at Google I/O to get all of us, power users, into wanting a pair and ordering a pair as well. Of course, we won’t know anything specific until Google I/O which starts May 15th. Now what would you like to see new in Project Glass at Google I/O this year? I’d like to see how you can play games with Project Glass. Like Ingress. That would be pretty cool, at least in my opinion. What do you think.