Since the Galaxy S4 announcement last month, and even a bit before that, we’ve been talking about Samsung’s build quality. And how we don’t really like it to much. I’ve been a big fan of HTC devices because their devices feel like a premium device. Then you have Samsung who makes their device out of plastic and has that big physical home button there. Now just because we don’t like it, doesn’t mean Samsung shouldn’t make their products like that. Obviously enough people like or don’t mind the build quality.
There’s some news coming out Sam Mobile today, their insiders are saying that Samsung has seen the success of the HTC One and is a bit “worried” about the design and build quality of their devices. Most of you know by now that the HTC One is made out of aluminum, and something most of us would love other manufacturers to use. Samsung says that they aren’t worried about HTC’s software, they say Touchwiz is better than Sense. I’ll just leave that alone there.
Samsung says that the Nature UX that they use on their devices is easier to use than Sense that you find on HTC devices. This insider for Sam Mobile says that Samsung is planning to change up their build quality for their next flagship device, which would be the Galaxy Note 3 coming this fall. The insider did point out that the Galaxy Note 3 would not use the same design as the Galaxy S4. Samsung is expecting to sell many Galaxy Note 3 devices, which shouldn’t be to hard for them. The Galaxy Note 3 has been rumored to get bumped up to a 6-inch Full HD AMOLED display, Exynos 5 Octa CPU with LTE, 13MP camera and the latest version of Android – Probably Android 5.0 Key Lime Pie.
This insider also stated that the metal design of the Galaxy S4 was very popular internally, but Samsung wasn’t able to mass-produce it right on time , so they declined it. So we’re going to hope this is true, but it is coming from Sam Mobile so it’s a 50/50 chance of it being true. What do you think of the Galaxy Note 3 getting a brand new design? Let us know in the comments below.