Sprint Galaxy S4 Sold Out, Don't Drown Your Sorrows Yet It's Still Available Through Amazon Wireless

Well, if you were planning on picking up the Samsung Galaxy S4 through Sprint we’ve got some rather unpleasant news for you. Sprint is already sold out of the upcoming flagship and is no longer taking any more pre-orders. We know, no one will judge you if you decide to bury your sorrows in a pillow (crying) or glass bottle- whichever you prefer, even if it’s some combination thereof.

Before you go, I think you should at least know that you can order the Galaxy S4 for use with Sprint’s network through Amazon Wireless. Unfortunately, there’s no difference in cost even though Amazon Wireless is prone to lower price tags.

Either way, the Galaxy S4 is going to set you back $150 if you’re switching networks and $250 if you’re upgrading. I think it’s pretty shitty that Sprint is offering such a generous discount for network defectors over loyal subscribers. Then again, this kind of tactic is nothing new in the retail world. It’s common practice to reward new adopters and throw loyal subscribers to the dogs.

You can also pick up the Galaxy S4 free of strings and contracts for $700 if you so desire.

Both Amazon and Sprint expect to ship out the first orders to consumers on April 27th, which actually isn’t all that far away (that date is just at the end of the week, duh). Of course, when you buy the device through either distributor it also includes two-day shipping to go along with it. That’s always a plus because after you spend that much money it seems silly to have to pay shipping.

Then again, I’m surprised they’re not offering free shipping to new subscribers and defectors only. We all know how valuable those loyal subscribers are to wireless carriers. Hey Sprint subscribers don’t feel too sore about it at least you don’t have to deal with Verizon- like I do.

Hit up the source link to pre-order your Galaxy S4 for use with Sprint’s network (through Amazon Wireless). Anyone else out there going with another wireless carrier? Would it be too absurd to anticipate a lot of you are making the move to T-Mobile (I don’t think so)?

Source: Amazon Wireless

Via: Android Spin