What to Expect When Your Google Glass Number is Called

Even though, people have already signed up to be a part of the Google Glass experience early, there’s certainly been no word on what those customers can expect when their number is finally called upon. Some additional information released today, passed on by early Google Glass adopter. You may soon be getting instructions on how to purchase your Glass unit- if you have been selected to get one early, of course.

According to Drew Olanoff, over at TechCrunch, when your number is called you will receive an exclusive email (pictured below) that includes some highly pertinent information concerning your Glass order. The email includes a direct customer support number to call, a unique ID code, and a link to the “Glass Safety Notices and Terms of Sale” which you must accept in order to purchase a unit.

After you call the phone number included in the email, you’re asked to provide your unique ID code. Then you can actually move on to purchasing your Google Glass unit, and you can decide whether to pick it up or have it shipped. To pick it up, you’ll need to visit the Mountain View, New York or Los Angeles based locations. It sounds like picking Glass up in person is the best option, because there are a couple of extra perks for doing so. Picking it up in person will have you meeting directly with someone from the Glass team, who will teach you how to use the device and fit it for you specifically. According to Olanoff, you’re also encouraged to bring along a friend to share the experience with.

Of course, while selecting your Google Glass unit you must also choose from a variety of color options. Unfortunately, the most prominent colors, Sky and Tangerine are already sold out.

It’s quite satisfying to hear that when you call the number in the email, you’ll be speaking directly with a member of the Glass team. Considering Glass owners are dropping some serious funds to acquire a unit, $1,500 to be exact, a human is surely preferable to talk to over an automated system.

We won’t actually get to see how influential Google Glass is for consumers until the units start rolling out on a wider scale. Still, it’s exciting to see the Glass Mirror API already available along with plenty of developers supporting the platform.

Are you going to pick one of these up eventually? Is wearable technology for you?