It’s really starting to look like Samsung rushed the Galaxy S4 to retailers this year. Just about a week or two after the Galaxy S4 was announced, Samsung announced that the Exynos 5 Octa chip supports LTE. Which was the big reason why the US and other LTE markets were getting a Snapdragon 600 processor. Then once it got close to launch, the Galaxy S4 began to be backordered. In fact Sprint and T-Mobile are still sold out. Now we’re seeing complaints that the Exynos 5 Octa has been lagging while doing nothing. Which is pretty sad for a 8-core processor, am I right?
Twitter user @ramontrotman, says “Samsung forgot to market it’s most prominent feature, S Lag. The feature that makes your 8 core 2 week old phone lag while doing nothing.” The user is playing off of Samsung’s motto of “S all the things”. This is actually quite surprising, since the Exynos processor has been rather zippy in most reviews and demos. Additionally, the Exynos 5 octa has beaten rivals in benchmarks, rather annihilated them.
We’ve heard from Samsung’s head, JK Shin that “it doesn’t matter what processor your Galaxy S4 is running”, well it looks like it does Mr. Shin. I haven’t used either Galaxy S4 yet, so I can’t confirm whether it does actually lag or not. We’re seeing reports that the ‘S Lag’ is only on the Galaxy S4 Exynos 5 Octa edition, so it looks like those of us in the US, UK, and other countries lucked out getting the Snapdragon 600. Where it appears Samsungs “most prominent” feature is now apparent. Which is actually a good thing this time around.
For those of you that have picked up the Galaxy S4, have you noticed any lag? Let us know in the comments below, also specify which variant you have so we can tell if it’s just the Exynos 5 Octa or the Snapdragon 600 variant as well.
Source: Gotta Be Mobile
Update: We’re also seeing reports here: