Slowly, but surely Google is expanding Fiber. Recently it was announced that Fiber is coming to Provo, Utah. Many of us are hoping that the service will soon be offered locally too, but for some reason Google just really likes launching in obscure locations. Okay, so maybe not all of the places where Google Fiber is offered are obscure, but you get the point. Where is Provo, Utah anyway (sorry folks, I had to)?
Google just added another location to the Fiber network, and this time it’s in Kansas again. Google’s Gigabit Internet and TV service will now be offered in Shawnee, Kansas. It’s pretty close to Kansas City though, and that’s probably why Google chose Shawnee.
Google also said that they’re impressed by Shawnee, because they do a great job using the internet to keep their citizens informed. There was no further elaboration on that fact, but that’s okay the claim is pretty straightforward.
The Shawnee City Council voted to launch Fiber in the city, and that’s important seeing as it will take a lot of work to bring the service to customers there. Like we hear quite often from other ISPs, Google will have to send certified engineers in order to lay out the proper cables and set-up the proprietary equipment.
Of course, there’s no ETA on when the service will be available for consumers in Shawnee, because there’s a lot of work to do. That’s okay, I’m sure the citizens of that fine city are quite happy. At least I would be.
I want Google to expand even further and bring Fiber closer to home but I know I’m not the only one. Does anyone care to make some predictions on when they think Fiber might be available on a greater scale? Do you think Google will ever expand their reach as far as some of the other ISPs out there? Feel free to share your thoughts in the comments! Who knows, maybe Google is paying attention to this (yeah right). Hey Google, let’s get Fiber available everywhere, yeah? Oh well, it was worth a try at least.