During yesterday’s I/O keynote, Google noticeably left out some news about what many might call its most popular product right now. After receiving a lot of attention at I/O last year, including a skydiving demonstration, Google Glass news was absent from this year’s headlining keynote. Many people were hoping that Google would announce more apps for the device or more information on a consumer release, but they didn’t. On day two of Google I/O, however, the company did finally talk more about its current moonshot, Google Glass.
On the second day of Google I/O, the search engine giant held a press event during which it spoke in detail about the future of Glass and future new features. Timothy Jordan, a senior developer advocate for Project Glass, revealed that the Google Glass team is hard at work on streaming video and an official development kit for the device. In addition, to those much-needed features, Jordan also mentioned that Project Glass will soon get support for offline media functionality.
While Google is working hard on new features for Glass, it said its biggest focus is on the developers interested in the platform. “We’re focusing on developers, that’s you, what you’re doing with Glass,” he said during the keynote.
“Glass is a very new device. Glass is really about what you’re doing right now. You want to deliver content [to the user],” he said while encouraging developers to dive in and build app. As with any platform, however, there are some downsides and issues with developing applications for Glass.
“Avoid the unexpected,” he said. “It’s bad on any platform, but particularly dangerous on Glass.” While Jordan did not go into specifics about the dangers of the platform, it’s safe to assume that he’s referring to things such as people recording video without first alerting other parties involve. This is a hot issue that many people have been worried about since day one. But as we’ve said before, it all comes down to using your brain and not doing things that will get you into legal trouble with Glass.
“Be honest about the intention of the application, of your Glassware. Be sure people know what they’re going to get when they sign up,” he preached.
Do you plan on developing for Glass at any point? What do you have in mind? Let us know down in the comments!