Project Glass Seems To be Always Watching You – But Is That a Good Thing?

Now that Project Glass is in most Explorers, well developers, hands now. We are starting to find all kinds of experimental features that were built into glass. One of those was the ability to wink to take a picture. Which we found out a few weeks ago. Now there is another feature that has been found that puts the headset in a constant listening mode. Where it will be awaiting the owner’s command. These are all experimental features, and to be able to use them you’d need to root glass. Which is pretty risky considering it’s a $1500 device.

You can then enable the “OK_GLASS_EVERYWHERE” option, where the device will constantly listen for commands coming from you. This works no matter where you are in the operating system, as Android Police notes. Right now, “OK Glass” voice instructions are only accepted from the home screen. This change makes interacting with the device much more convenient and we’re hoping to see it become a standard feature in Glass when it hits public launch next year. The only downside is battery life. Hopefully the impact on battery life isn’t to bad with this feature. But I’m sure that’s one of the things that Google is working on with Project Glass.

Android Police has also gone over a ton of experimental features that Google is toying with in Project Glass. Which you can check out. It’s quite interesting to see all the features that Google hasn’t finished yet. I think the most interesting yet controversial is the wink to take a picture feature. It’s definitely going to raise some privacy commands. But it’s still pretty freaking cool.

How many of you are waiting anxiously to get your hands on Project Glass? Let us know in the comments down below.