This week we’ll be able to see just what Google have been up to over the past few months and just what they have to show off for us, it’s an exciting time for Android fans but, more than that, it’s an exciting time for all tech lovers, enthusiasts and of course, developers. This year’s I/O looks set to buck the trend of previous years, there’s only going to be one 3-hour keynote on Day 1, a departure from last year, certainly. Curiously enough, we’ve also not heard a lot in the way of product launches, we’ve heard some whispers relating to a second-generation Nexus 7, which is to be expected with both Apple and Amazon releasing a new tablet model every 12 months.
So, it looks like this year’s I/O is going to be a different I/O, but how? Well, Sundar Pichai, who you might know as the newly-appointed chief of Android since Andy Rubin stepped down, has been talking to Wired. When pressed on just what this year’s I/O is going to be all about, he offered the following response:
It’s going to be different. It’s not a time when we have much in the way of launches of new products or a new operating system. Both on Android and Chrome, we’re going to focus this I/O on all of the kinds of things we’re doing for developers, so that they can write better things. We will show how Google services are doing amazing things on top of these two platforms.
So, there you have it, this year looks all set to be more about the tools developers need to use, than the products themselves. While that might not sound too exciting, it’s important to remember that Developers are just what I/O is supposed to be about. Does it particularly matter if Android changes drastically? Well, no not really. Sure, it’s exiting for us to get our hands on new features but, wouldn’t we rather have developers be able to create even better apps and do more incredible things with what we already have got?
In the last few months or so, I’m sure you’ve all noticed apps have started to look better and started to adopt a more uniform look and feel, that’s still uniquely Android. If developers are going to be given more tools to help them achieve more of these apps, then I am all for it. If you want to read the full interview from Wired (and you should) then take a look at the source link below.
Now, I have a question for our readers; what’s more important? A new line of Nexus products, or better ways for developers to take advantage of the devices we already have?
[Source: Wired]