Wonder What Games are Currently Integrated with Google Play Games Services? Here's a List for You!

Today, Google introduced Google Play Games Service. Think Game Center from iOS now on Android. Except it integrates with Google+, which is probably the killer feature here. Google Play Games Service also has leaderboards, multiplayer, achievements and more features as well. Which I’m sure will only get larger as time passes. The folks over at DroidGamers have put together a nice list of all the games that are currently integrated with the new service. Without further ado, here are all the games currently integrated with Google Play Games.

Beach Buggy Blitz (Free) (48 achievements)

Chip Chain (Free) (43 achievements)

Eternity Warriors 2 (Free) (29 achievements)

Eufloria (Free/$4.99) (? achievements)

Farm Invasion USA (Free/$5.20) (20 achievements)

Kingdom Rush ($1.99) (? achievements)

Modern Combat 4: Zero Hour ($6.99) (49 achievements)

Osmos ($2.99) (? achievements)

Plague Inc. (Free) (54 achievements)

Riptide GP ($1.99) (? achievements)

Super Stickman Golf 2 (Free) (60 achievements)

Triple Town (Free) (26 achievements)

World of Goo ($4.99 $0.99) (22 achievements)

If you run across a game that is integrated with Google Play Games, feel free to leave a comment down below and we’ll try and add it to the list. If you’re looking to find out what exactly Google Play Games is, you can read up on that here.

How many of you have played a game with Google Play Games integrated already? What are your thoughts on this new feature/service from Google? Let us know in the comments down below.