Apparently, Samsung Beats Up their Galaxy S4 Handsets During Reliability Testing

One of the first things you consider when purchasing a smartphone, at least these days, is how reliable it will be under certain conditions. It’s an especially timely discussion considering Samsung, Sony and countless other manufacturers are now focusing efforts on releasing ruggedized (yes, I like that word) devices.

Apparently, smartphone manufacturers are also just as concerned. At least, according to the video below Samsung appears to be pretty concerned.

Accidents happen, both to us and our possessions. We cannot prevent every mishap, but we can prepare for the worst. Smartphones can be used anywhere and everywhere, and because of this their exposure to unsafe environments is higher than other products. When you invest in your new smartphone, how can you be sure that it is strong enough for the wear and tear of daily life? You might wonder how durable our smartphones are. With this in mind, we would like to share this video of Samsung GALAXY S4 reliability testing.

Check it out (it’s narrated in Japanese, but there are some English subtitles):


As you can see from the video they perform drop tests, impact tests, sink tests (submerged in water), temperature and humidity tests, and more. Although, I’m not entirely sure how valid or realistic these tests are, it’s still pretty cool to see. I mean seriously, I’ve seen plenty of submerged phones work after the fact, but just minutes later they start to go berzerk. In this video, the handsets work perfectly after being submerged  and it’s all rainbows and unicorns.

Of course, Samsung covers their butt by blasting a disclaimer during the video that you should not try any of these tests at home yourself. In other words, don’t go dropping your phone in a giant vat of melted butter because that could just turn out bad for everyone.

Let’s crowdsource this, why not? A lot of you have already had your Galaxy S4 for a little while now. Have you come across any scenarios where you were genuinely surprised at how durable your phone is? I’m not telling you to go seek out bad situations, definitely don’t do that, I’m just asking if you’ve already shared a scary moment or two with your shiny new Galaxy S4?

Do you think Samsung’s stress tests are accurate? Would a Galaxy S4 really hold up to all of that abuse?

Source Samsung