Google has not been shy about touting all that Glass can do, especially in the real world. When the company first announced the device, many people were skeptical of what use cases it would have in real world use with real world consumers. Slowly but surely, the company has been releasing videos to YouTube detailing just how useful Project Glass can be, at least in Google’s eyes. On Tuesday, the company released yet another video showcasing Glass, this time focusing voice recognition and search functionality, which as we all know, is something Google has been incredibly good at in the past.
The video shows a group of Google employees on the Project Glass team asking the device random questions using the voice search functionality. To ask the question, all you have to do is tap the right hand side of the device and you will be prompted to start to speak. The employees ask Glass a variety of questions in a variety of questions. For example, they ask if the San Francisco Giants won their game or what Thai restaurants are located nearby. Glass answers all of these questions perfectly, and very quickly in most instances. Glass can also handle conversions, including things likes dollars to pounds, grams to ounces, and Fahrenheit to Celsius. The device could also perform on the spot translations, which would be incredibly useful in foreign countries.
Now, those are all pretty generic questions. What about more unique ones? Well, it looks like Glass can handle those without a hitch, as well. For example, Glass was asked to search for “Bob Loblaw Law Blog”, which it was able to understand and do nearly instantly. It can also look up song lyrics, even if you only know a few words, or even movie titles if you know the general ploy. The employees asked “what was the movie in which Jim Carrey gets his memory erased?” and Glass answered. They also asked what band played the “How Bizarre” song.
The accuracy of Glass is truly amazing. The employees weren’t speaking slowly in a robotic voice, either. They were speaking normally with emotion. It’s worth noting that because of all of the jump cuts, it’s possible that Google edited out some times when Glass failed to answer a question, but we’re hoping that is not the case.