Rumor: HTC's Butterfly S to Include 16GB of Storage, and Faster Processor

A new development about HTC’s upcoming Butterfly S smartphone is suggesting that the device will ship with only 16GB of storage. It seems like a strange direction for HTC to take with the handset that’s expected to launch on June 19th. I’m not entirely sure 16GB of storage would be nearly enough for a high-end handset.

The source says that HTC will also reveal the HTC Desire 600, a mid to entry level handset at a press conference on the same day (June 19th). The Desire 600 will be priced much lower at about $500 (15,000 NT).

HTC’s Butterfly S, an upgrade to its rightful successor, will be tagged at $670 (20,000 NT). It’s apparently going to feature the same 5-inch display and basic features, albeit with a more powerful processor.

Analysts from JP Morgan Securities seem to believe that the Butterfly S will be available in Q3, and predict that it will help HTC’s coffers grow by about 15 to 20% in that quarter. That means the handset will be launching relatively soon, which would in turn indicate that HTC already has it about ready for a commercial release.

At this point, there’s still quite a bit of speculation flying around, so it’s hard to cherry pick what’s actually going to happen with the device and what is a load of bollocks. I think it’s possible those price ranges are slightly off, and I also think it’s possible that the Butterfly S will include some new features that no one is expecting. I don’t think we’re talking in the scale of Apple innovation (it’s a joke), but I do believe that HTC will have to introduce something to get consumers excited and interested. At this point, just the inclusion of a more powerful processor isn’t enough to get juices flowing, unless you make decisions based on a single piece of hardware alone.

What do you think of this news? Do you think the Butterfly S will arrive on schedule? What kind of features do you think HTC is going to incorporate, what do they have up their sleeve so to speak? Are you excited to see more HTC Handsets now that you’ve seen what the One can do?

Via Focus Taiwan