Over Half of the US Smartphone Sales Belong to Android, iOS Windows Growing at a Faster Rate

How much is Android actually dominating? Well about 52% of the smartphones sold in the US are running Android. Big surprise right? Especially seeing as you see Android running on just about every type of phone. Even basic, feature phones.

Kantar Worldpanel did some research, they gathered numbers for a three month period ending in April. And compared it to the same time frame in 2012. You can see the results of that in the tables down below.

iOS took home 41.4% compared to 39.1% the year before. While Android took 51.7% compared to 50.3% the year before. Windows Phone almost doubled their share from 3.8% to 5.6% this year. The most surprising numbers being to RIM/Blackberry. In 2013, they had 0.7%, compared to the 5.3% they had in 2012.

They also took a look at the US carriers shares as well. Everyone gained except for T-Mobile. Which is somewhat surprising since T-Mobile has been seeing lots of new customers lately, and selling the iPhone like crazy. But this study was probably done before T-Mobile started selling the iPhone and their new simple plans. But they dropped from 14.8% last year to 11.3% this year. Of course, Verizon took home the largest share last year and again this year. Even though we hear so much hate about the carrier, people are still loving Verizon enough to switch to their network. They had 24.5% last year and 36.3% this year.

Kantar also suggests that Nokia’s Lumia line was a pretty big win for Windows phone gaining market share in the past year. Even though Windows Phone is still struggling. About 23% of Windows phone users have switched over from Android. Which is a big number, but a bigger number would be 23% of Android users switching to Windows phone.