According to Gotta Be Mobile, LG is currently planning on launching an Android based smartphone in 2014, that includes always-on voice commands. Instead of using traditional voice commands like what we see with Google Now, LG is going to be using the commands for navigation on a grander scale. In other words, the related device should be fully operable with just voice commands alone.
Obviously, a smartphone with that kind of functionality would be incredibly useful for distinct scenarios such as driving. It’s right on time too, considering new legislation is now calling for drivers to keep their hands and laps free of smartphones while driving.
Current commands are tailored for specific tasks like searching, launching apps or performing basic actions. Sources provide an example such as the ability to pan, zoom and move around the viewing area within Google Maps with just voice. To reiterate, that means you’ll be able to interact with applications and the device all through voice commands.
This goes hand-in-hand with the rumor that Qualcomm Snapdragon 800 processors have always-on voice capabilities built right into the chip. If LG is developing such a handset, then it’s clear they’re tapping into the functionality offered by the Snapdragon 800.
As of now, there’s no mention of a projected release date or pricing strategy for LG’s mysterious advanced voice capable handset. Early rumors have been bounced around that the successor to LG’s Optimus G, which would be the LG Optimus G2, is going to be equipped with the Snapdragon 800 chipset. There’s absolutely no official confirmation of that fact, but it could even be possible that the G2 is the very phone getting advanced voice functionality.
It’s great to hear news like this even if it is only a rumor at this point. Voice functionality could use a little innovation, especially considering it’s so limited.
Would you be comfortable purchasing a handset with always-on voice capabilities though? Do you have any qualms with the idea? Adversely, what benefits do you think would come from new technology like this other than what I’ve mentioned above?
As always, you can bet we’ll have more information for you as soon as it’s available.