Samsung is dominating, it’s no secret. As it turns out, if anyone is going to take that crown from good ol’ Sammy it’s going to be HTC. Well, at least that’s according to a new note from Raymond James analyst Tavis McCourt. The firm seems to believe that even though the Galaxy S4 is selling well close to launch, the company is “losing steam.”
McCourt claims Samsung is losing ground because of both “the HTC One and reversion from the pre-launch hype for the S4.” McCourt’s claims are not unfounded as several reports have pointed to some remarkable sales numbers for HTC and the One. That being said, there’s no way to tell at the moment if the One will be “the one” so to speak in regards to bringing HTC out of their financial troubles.
Of course, McCourt also mentioned that LG and Motorola have not been able to gain any market share despite Samsung’s slowing numbers.
Even more interesting is the fact that Windows Phone and Blackberry both held market share below 5%. Furthermore, the survey shows that purchase intent is lacking, since it’s below 2% for both companies. That means, almost no one is considering purchases handsets from Microsoft or Blackberry, which means the future may be pretty bleak for both companies.
Android is still on the rise, but this survey is essentially saying that Samsung is losing momentum. Samsung fans are going to hate hearing this, but one day it’s bound to happen. No, I’m not saying today will be that day- don’t worry. I’m sure I’ll still see quite a few irate comments below.
McCourt seems to think that Apple is doing well, particularly because they’re continuing to thrive despite Samsung’s momentum loss. This is because according to the survey market share hit 50% and intention to purchase hit 55%. That’s supposedly just below the all-time high of 56.4% that the analyst ever recorded (dating back to September 2012).
I’m not entirely sure how I feel about those claims, especially since the incredible influx of Apple users we’ve seen jump over to Android lately. That old saying ‘the numbers don’t lie,’ isn’t really true when it comes to reports from market analysts. They like to twist numbers any which way.
What do you think? Is Apple really gaining market share while Samsung loses momentum?